Pressure Regulator Fixtures. Fine Control Needle Valves. Laboratory Ball Valves. Watersavers offer a range of WRAS approved multi-jet based pulse water meters for monitoring and measuring water usage in buildings. Fume Hood Fitting Index Colors.

Currently out of stock. You can help save water every time you shower. Click on the links below for tips on how to save and FREE water saving goodies. By working together we can make a difference.
Remember, every drop helps save a lot! What is irrigation system controller? We rely on water every day. Yet, we have less to go around than ever before. So, we must all reduce how much we use.

That’s why we’ve launched Target 10 our ambitious initiative to reduce how much we all use, each day. Discover how small changes to your daily routine can help you save water in your home – and save money on your bills. About of a typical gas heated home’s heating bill is from the water for showers, baths and the hot water tap. From showerheads, to save-a-flush devices and inserts for your taps, there are lots to choose from.
They’re really simple, easy to fit and best of all they’re completely free for our residential supply customers. The free products below are available to Severn Trent customers with a delivery address within the Severn Trent supply area only. As part of our drive to promote sustainability we now use paper packaging where possible.
Water Audit Leaflet - Bristol Water. Saving you up to of water , phs has the device for delivering just the right amount of water. The FLOW SAVER TAP is an insert that fits onto almost all modern taps saving you water and money.
The busier the location, the greater the savings! Watch our FLOW SAVER TAP demonstration video to learn more about the potential savings. An even better water - saving system is a weather-based irrigation controller—but to install one is a more challenging DIY task.
A running tap wastes up to six litres of water a minute. Saving water is easy to do when you automate the process. Around one-third of all water used in the home goes down the toilet. There are some simple changes that could help save water.
Empyting a standard 2litre rain butt once a month. Installing a water butt could save 4litres a year. Toilet Flush Kit Plastic Installation Wrench. Save-A-Flush – Saves 1. Add to cart Show Details.
Flush n’ Clean In-Tank Toilet Bowl Cleaner. Free Shipping Available.
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