The MAGNAsupports fieldbus by optional CIM modules and has a TFT display for intuitive configuration of the intelligent features. The intelligence in the MAGNAcaters for all application needs. Sizing and selection tools, quick dimensioning, pump replacement tools, CAD drawings, pump curves and other relevant data. The permanent magnet motor, AUTOadapt function and integrated frequency converter is still part of the MAGNA package, but we’ve added some additional, ground-breaking new technologies. The result is a cutting-edge piece of intelligent technology that.
Terminal-connected vers. The MAGNApumps make up a broad range of small, medium and large circulator pumps fitted with communication equipment and motors with electronic speed control based on permanent magnet (PM) and compact stator motor technology. The MAGNAis an innovative member of the Grundfos family of high-quality circulator pumps. But Did You Check eBay?
With the MAGNA, you can stop worrying about which pump setting to choose. MAGNAis the ideal choice for almost any building project – old or new. Grundfos MAGNAD - (180) Variable Speed Twin Head Circulator 240V. Choose Gate Valve Option.

Grundfos MagnaD Twin Head Pumps UK Ltd are distributors for Grundfos Pumps UK Ltd and can supply all pumps from it range. MAGNA– More than a pump With its unrivalled efficiency, all-encompassing range and built-in communication capabilities plus functionalities replacing system components, the MAGNAis ideal for engineers and spe. The MAGNAD twin head pumps are a range of small, medium and large circulator pumps fitted with electronically controlled motors based on permanent magnet (PM) and compact stator technology. Page Original setpoint setting. New setpoint after AUTO control.
MAGNAxx-100: ft ( m) MAGNAxx-120: 21. Changing K and T values are only possible with. Free delivery for many products! MAGNA - Water Pump pdf manual download. Also for: Magna -100.
Page Dimensions, twin-head pumps, threaded versions Fig. Simply install the pump and leave it on the factory AUTOADAPT setting. MAGNAvil automatisk analysere varmeanlægget, finde den optimale indstilling og løbende justere driften efter ændringer i behovet. Resultatet er optimal komfort og minimalt energiforbrug.
Desuden er MAGNA-pumper ekstremt fleksible, driftssikre, støjsvage og vedligeholdelsesfri, samtidig med at levetiden er lang. De er udstyret med IR-kommunikation og kan tilbyde ekstern styring og. The bearings are lubricated by the pumped liquid.

Fill Your Cart With Color today! Mehr noch: sie unterschreitet sogar die Benchmark von 20. Die Effizienz der Pumpe ist durch die optimal abgestimmte Hydraulik und die innovative Motortechnologie Grundfos möglich.
Im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Pumpen sind mit der MAGNAEnergieeinsparpotentiale von bis zu. Oběhové čerpadlo MAGNA- Grundfos. Dodáváme čerpadla pro otopné soustavy, systémy klimatizací, zvyšování tlaku kapalin a další.

Zajišťujeme servis čerpadel. MAGNAär konstruerad för att klara vätsketemperaturer ned till -°C, vilket gör den lämplig för både krävande industriella applikationer och geotermiska värmesystem. Dessutom är vätsketemperaturen (-till 1°C) nu oberoende av omgivningstemperaturen (till °C).
Så oavsett om du behöver värme eller kyla i ditt projekt, är MAGNApumpen för dig.
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