Free Shipping on eBay. It impresses with a compact design, simple functions and with a gratifying price. LAUFEN pro S is the new member of the successful LAUFEN pro series. Laufen launches Moderna. Thanks to the delicate redesign, the elegant pro S is compatible with all pro variants.

Industrial design is the modern answer to the once revolutionary idea that everyone has a right to enjoy beautiful forms. Good design is now no longer a right reserved for the most affluent customers. Characteised by a clean and pared down appearance, the pieces within the PRO Collection range come with multiple options for customization. Both public toilets and private bathrooms can benefit from the easy cleaning and great hygiene of this system.
The tub is undergoing a renaissance in the bathroom. This is not surprising in view of the contemporary versions of this classic piece of furniture. Intelligent design combined with technological finesse in the. Democratic design: minimalism as design principle, elegant, func. Dělíme je na dvě produktové řady.
Varianta A splňuje architektonické ambice. Všechny produkty jdou mezi sebou volně kombinovat, umožní Vám to tudíž vytvářet nespočet různých variant. Tou největší novinkou. LAUFEN has expanded its range of rimless toilets. Washbasin LAUFEN PRO N, sanitary ceramic EN dimensions 6x 4mm, symmetric centre tap hole Special feature: overflow channel glazed Further options: Surface refinement LCC, without tap hole Order no.
Pradžioje mus įkvėpė dvi pagrindinės formos: kvadratas ir apskritimas. Dėl subtiliai patobulinto dizaino, elegantiškoji „ pro S“ puikiai dera su visais kitais „ pro “ kolekcijos sprendimais. Easy to clean and maintain, thus making it suitable for both public and domestic bathrooms. For example, we use the waste heat generated in the production process in our factories for drying the sanitary ware.
However, the most important emission of a company is the product itself. We have therefore had the. Money Back Guarantee! Fill Your Cart With Color today!
LAUFEN Pro N passer til den arkitektoniske iscenesættelse af badeværelser, projektbyggeri og familiebadeværelser. Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. Postage and packaging. The bestseller of LAUFEN the series LAUFEN Pro was redesigned by Vetica a few years ago with a lot of sensitivity and follows a consistent, production-optimized concept.
The aesthetics of LAUFEN Pro S thus move in the direction of the premium design lines of LAUFEN - and remain affordable for everyone. Thanks to its slim silhouettes and clearly defined curves, LAUFEN Pro S looks light and elegant. SHOP BY PRODUCT CATEGORY. The brand is synonymous with superb craftsmanship, advanced technology, and subtle appeal. Mosdóink és WC-ink rövid lefolyóval rendelkeznek, ami értékes helyet takarít meg.
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